We would like to congratulate one of our clients, Emma Duffy, on the launch of her new business, My Forever Toothfairy.
SalesPlus worked as an approved mentor with Emma on the Financial Capability Training Programme sponsored by the Local Enterprise Office. The aim of this programme is to strengthen businesses' understanding of accounts, cashflow and budgetary & financial management.
My Forever Tooth Fairy builds on the tooth fairy tradition and celebrates the inherent magic of each child with its beautiful tooth fairy keepsakes, including a storybook, tooth fairy doll, tooth tote and display case.
As an approved mentor on the programme, SalesPlus Director and Fellow of the ACCA Eamon McElroy assisted Emma with the completion of detailed financial projections for her business. This in turn helped Emma to set budgets for the expenditure needed to get her business up and running, and to set sales targets. We are delighted to have assisted Emma on her start-up journey and wish her every success with her new business!
According to Emma, "Salesplus' mentorshop and advice was truly excellent and much appreciated! Eamon is a fountain of knowledge and helped me get my financial projections in place. I use those projections every single day. I would highly recommend getting in touch with the SalesPlus team if you are a start-up or SME".
If you are interested in availing of the Financial Capability Training programme or other grants and supports for your micro business or SME, why not contact us today for a free consultation? As approved LEO, Enterprise Ireland and InterTradeIreland consultants, we can provide you with all the advice you need to take your business to the next level.